To keep cool in the Texas summer heat, band students wear short shorts during rehearsal in the school parking lot.
“Before they changed the school times, the heat wasn’t so bad when we practiced in the mornings,” associate band director Marcus Hunley says, “but now we rehearse after school in the hot sun.”
Marching band students practice in the colorful short athletic shorts every day after school until 5:30 p.m.
“Some kids who get really into the tradition have a rainbow of shorts to wear, and one kid has three pairs of bright pink shorts,” sophomore band member Niko Kook says.
The tradition of Thunder Thigh Thursdays began when a group of seniors wanted to be funny last year and show off their pale thighs.
“It’s funny to see all the guys with the hairy legs try to get a tan,” Kook says. But band mate Parker Gayack disagrees. “It should be illegal; I can’t believe my brother helped start it last year.”
by Imani Edouard-Sierra
photos by Maddie Derryberry